So, I got to thinking, how can I make this blog more enjoyable and entertaining?
And then I walked onto the sales floor and saw the sales team. What if I had some guest bloggers? These guys know their stuff! Since I am new around here, I have to admit, I am still learning the ropes about KIA, the dealership, and selling cars.
The news to use is still important, and sharing my random PR and marketing adventures is still important, but in my effort to make KIA's sales teams more technologically savvy...I am going to ask (probably end up begging) them to blog. Don't forget to check out the facebook and twitter page. The sales team actually TAKES all of those pictures; yep, Melanie and I got them to take a 11 whole pictures.
So this is my mission for today...round up some guest bloggers! Wish me luck, I may need some good bribery ideas. I have a feeling I'll be buying some people lunch...