Tuesday, August 31, 2010
One thing that I have learned is that the end of the month is the craziest time of the month. I basically spend my entire day in silence attempting to stay out of everyone else's way.
Its the time in which we all try to get the most done with out making anyone else mad. This sounds like an easy task, but trust me when I say, it really is not.
At Kia Autosport, any of us will say that the other was a part of our family, and as most of us know, being apart of a family means ups and downs. love and hate. Well, the end of the month brings a lot more hate than love.
I'm sure anyone and everyone who has worked at a car dealership (or any place of business that deals with bills) can understand this.
It's not so much the bills that cause everyone to run around like their hair on fire, its those people who don't PAY their bills.
Today I witnessed four, normally calm/cool/collected adult women (myself included) run around in an effort to find information on an individual who wrote a bad check. I doubt my bosses would appreciate me giving out the dirty details, but all I'm saying is that, this check was worth all of our time to find this person and all of their personal information necessary to file charges.
With that being said, I would hate for people to get the idea that we are out to send people to jail. On the contrary, we just like to uphold agreements.
My agreement to you, as Kia's PR/Marketing Intern, is that I will keep my faithful (and few) readers updated on what a day in the life at KIA is really like. or at least an edited version of it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Theres been a lot going on recently, so I wanted to post a bit of a sneak peak on things to come.
We've been doing employee interviews on the Flip Cam; its been an interesting experience getting to know all the people around the dealership. We have some hillarious staff members who are so dedicated to our customers...its been such a pleasure to interview and film them. A few of the videos are already up on facebook, so if you're a fan of our page (and you should be if you're not!) check them out.
We are gearing up for Seminole football! Incase you did not know; Melanie Lee, our GM, is a HUGE football fan. For the first time ever, we are pairing up with ISP Sports for their blockparty. Make sure to come by and see us; I'm working on getting some goodies to give out!
We are already thinking of basketball season; we are working on our ad for the 2010-2011 season. I've got to admit that I am alittle stumped. Any ideas?

Labels: car dealers, family member, florida state, fsu mens basketball
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
This is the person who wrote this masterpiece...
For those of you keeping count, I actually sold three. I have no recollection of how I did it, but I know three cars are missing. They paid cash. Two brand new, fresh off the truck Sportages and 1 fully loaded Sorento.
I began selling cars at the tender age of 4 months, and I have traveled to many countries to study the aspects and dynamics of selling cars. From walking 14 miles on rocky roads with two gallon buckets of water, to swimming with piranhas. I have mastered all techniques of selling.
I am a disciplined salesman and finally, in my 13th year of training in the Andes Mountains, I vowed never to take advantage of a patron with my dashing good looks. For that year in training, I had to wear a paper bag while selling cars with 3 wheels and half of engine.
Now that I have mastered vehicle selling, I had to control my night walks. Although most could say that they give great deals, I gave 3 great deals...in my sleep. Come to Kia Autosport, but please, for your own good, do not make eye contact with me.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
So, I got to thinking, how can I make this blog more enjoyable and entertaining?
And then I walked onto the sales floor and saw the sales team. What if I had some guest bloggers? These guys know their stuff! Since I am new around here, I have to admit, I am still learning the ropes about KIA, the dealership, and selling cars.
The news to use is still important, and sharing my random PR and marketing adventures is still important, but in my effort to make KIA's sales teams more technologically savvy...I am going to ask (probably end up begging) them to blog. Don't forget to check out the facebook and twitter page. The sales team actually TAKES all of those pictures; yep, Melanie and I got them to take a 11 whole pictures.
So this is my mission for today...round up some guest bloggers! Wish me luck, I may need some good bribery ideas. I have a feeling I'll be buying some people lunch...